Father’s Day Vintage Camper Art | Art Workshop | Ages 10+

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This is a great way to enjoy time together on Father’s Day – fathers welcome to attend and accompany your kids!  Get ready to use markers, stickers, glitter, ink, and more to color and decorate your one-of-a-kind vintage camper art inspired by the great outdoors! These workshops are appropriate for all experience levels.

Intuitive art workshops encourage focus on the process of making art rather than the finished product.   Follow your intuition, let go and allow the art to unfold with your unique voice.   Experience free-form expression from the heart without expectation and judgement.

$35 per workshop, or $90 if you register for all three summer workshops! (June, July, and August) Please contact the front office at 303-347-9447 to register with this special pricing.

Register here: https://coloradomusicinstitute.opus1.io/w/art